Dear all, It’s certainly not been the year we expected, that’s for sure! Every one of us has been impacted to a great extent, both personally and professionally, and it’s going to require a great deal of patience and resilience …
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It is my great honour and privilege to take on the mantle of Chieftain from Paul Henderson. Firstly, I would like to pay tribute to Paul who has done a magnificent job as Chieftain over the past year. I would …
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Beannachdan agus Fàilte! My personal ‘Thanks’ to the KLHG Committee for working so very hard, to make the whole weekend a success. Our Friday Night Concert prior to the Games (Big Vern & The Shootas all the way from Glasgow) …
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Once again the Inter-Societies Golf Championship Trophy is residing comfortably north of Hadrian’s Wall. Congratulations to the winning team and to the Organising Sub-committee for all their hard work to pull the event together.
Beannachdan agus Fàilte! Greetings and Welcome from your new Chieftain for the 2017/18 Session. To our outgoing Chieftain, Ali King, our sincere thanks for your time and dedication over the last twelve months and we hope you enjoyed your year …
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The end of my tenure as Chieftain is fast approaching, and as I make arrangements to hand over to a new Chieftain who will be elected at the forthcoming AGM, I look back on the year with great fondness.
We are heading very quickly towards the end of 2016 and I am wondering where the year has gone. It has passed so quickly. They do say that happens, the older you get!