Well! Back in the chair for another year of fun filled events, committee meetings and getting to know new members. Firstly I’d like to say welcome to our two new committee members Kelly Brown and Kerry Sharp. Also thanks to the old timers in advance for their continued support.
Last night’s Whisky Tasting event went very well as it followed immediately on from the A.G.M. There was a wonderful array of fine Scottish whiskies to be sampled. Well done Paul Henderson for winning the whisky tasting quiz.
I think we have a lot to look forward to this year, we are working hard to secure the sponsorship which will enable the 3rd KL Highland Games to proceed.
We decided rather than do the quarterly news letter, we will do monthly summaries. I will keep you abreast of future events as we get closer to them in our monthly update.
If you have anything you’d like to include in the monthly news bulletins, do drop me a line and we’ll include that for you.
Regards as Always
Ali King, Chieftain