I have taken my yearly trip home to Scotland early this year. The weather can testify to the fact that spring has certainly not sprung. It is a day for winter boots and rain coats. On the other side of the coin, it is just fantastic to catch up with friends and family. Not to mention eating fish & chips, cullen skink and haggis & neaps on a cold wet day.

Chieftain Ali King
Well, the Kuala Lumpur Highland Games planning has taken a huge leap forward as we are now putting the final touches to a great weekend of Scottish style entertainment and fun for all the family.
The Red Hot Chilli Pipers are ready to Rock, as much as we are all ready to Roll. We also have internationally renowned comedian Ro Campbell coming to perform at the Concert. He is very funny and has performed at the Fringe during the last 8 Edinburgh Festivals. In 2010 he was crowned Scottish Comedian of The Year which was somewhat controversial as he was born in Australia! But never-the-less he has shown an amazing affinity for Scottish humour that will have you holding your sides laughing.
I have put the St. Andrew’s Society Golf team on notice that we expect them to bring the trophy home to its rightful place!
We have now confirmed dates and arrangements are in hand for the St. Andrew’s Ball which will be held at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, 26th November 2016. We have also made confirmed bookings for the Burns’ Supper on Saturday, 21st January 2017, again the venue will be the Hilton Doubletree Hotel.
Sending everyone in the Society greetings from a “gie dreach wintry day” in Scotland
Yours Aye,
Ali King, Chieftain